Creative spaces are mediums to be free and let it flow no matter what people think , there is such beauty in presenting your true identity through art, letting those outside have a glimpse into the depths of your mind, creativity and soul.

Uncompromised music artists are champions of free expression, they are unafraid of letting their voice be heard, and are able to challenge the perceptions of generations with lasting shifts in culture. The purpose of self expression goes beyond gaining attention from a crowd, it takes open vulnerability and strength to walk in your truth and share it with the world. The recognition and scrutiny of fame is a byproduct of those who find themselves, knowing that yes you may start off as a product of society but despite social norms you can be an agent in your own life.

Ever wonder why we have such emotive experiences of certain artists, they are one with their craft, and bask freely without restraint in the music. Here are three artists that stand out currently for their expressive nature, but there are many more talented artists serving only themselves to the table. ✨


Sketchers lookin’ like Balenciaga

Thrift clothes lookin’ like the Prada

Princess Nokia has been a vocal, unconventional artist, influencing attitudes on identity, politics and culture since she started out. Her songs are so diverse with an eclectic mix of hip hop, electronic, punk rock, it can feel like you’re experiencing a different artist in each music video. Truly showcasing her originality and flair. ‘Balenciaga’ really demonstrates Nokia’s individuality, taking on the topic of style and fashion, something we’re acutely influenced by, especially in the current modern-day world. Nokia embodies this confident persona in a fun tongue and cheek way, boasting about looking expensive but costing only $20. Addressing the difference between style (how you wear clothes) and fashion is a key aspect in this song, we give value to designer brands due to trends in fashion for the clout but whether its designer or not it’s about how you make clothes your own. The main question is, who are you dressing for? Does our material life reflect the wants of others or is it a reflection of true self expression.


Call your leader, tell him I need answers

Tell  him I need every piece of gold that came from Ghana

Recently I’ve really been on Kojey Radical, he is a true lyricist possessing such a strong energy and intellect evident in his music. Kojey is extremely expressive, wearing where he comes from on his sleeve (British with Ghanian origins) he also speaks openly about his journey with mental health, vulnerability in his creative process. The video for ’20/20′ showcases Kojey’s abstract but impactful thought process , exploring the path of expectations and failure and the road to not only success but increase in knowledge. Not to mention, the attention to detail in the visuals is sharp, from the videography to Kojey’s style. His creative flair and talent is displayed on many levels.

Thought I’d have it all by 23, look at me

Damn near lost it all by 24, 2020 Vision


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the art of being free by erykah badu

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‘All the people in world will one day feel free be they’ self without giving a damn what nobody else has to say’

Often times complex concepts can be simply put. The art of being free is linked to being your true self. It can be hard to achieve, as you may go against what others believe and your unconventional way of thought may cause you to lose friends who misunderstand you as it takes that extra effort for people to understand who you are without their own expectations . To sum it up, Erykah Badu is a timeless icon of self expression, known for her intriguing perspective, headwraps and no doubt as the Queen of Neo Soul!

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