The cure to musical boredom…

Everyone has experienced that time when your favourite songs you would always listen to lose their special spark. Initially the listening experience is amazing, there’s nothing like the feeling of experiencing something for the first time, but as time passes the spark fades away. This effect of musical boredom arises in a number of ways; repeating the song/ album consistently for a long period of time and listening to a song when you aren’t in the right mood to appreciate its wholeness. Music is a medium where we attach memories to, listening to a certain song can remind you of a time and place. Well what happens when you constantly hear the song? simply put, the memory dies.

To to cure this musical boredom, firstly, you must find the perfect moment to vibe to a song. Ambience and mood are essential things, and recognising then means you can maximise your enjoyment of the song. But the main cure to maintaining that special spark is to take a break from song. Maybe for 2 weeks or 6 months, however long it takes to rediscover the beauty of that song/album. As consumers of music, we must remember listening to music is a cyclical experience, there will be low points in the cycle where we won’t enjoy the music and high points where the we have a new refreshed ear for listening. It can be so annoying when your favourite song no longer sounds the same, just give it time. And on those rare occasions where the song doesn’t ‘bang’ on the second or third time you listen to it, could be a sign telling you to delete it from your liked songs. Only good music shall remain!

Here are a handful of my top songs, which I have had to re-visit recently to appreciate them again. There a many more but I ask you to do the same with your favourite songs that no longer have that same effect on you.

Crew – Goldlink

‘Crew’ was always one song I would always get hyped to no matter what and one I thought I’d never get bored of… but it happened. I always remember the time this song came on when I saw Goldlink in concert, one of the best nights in my life, the whole place erupted with energy. My friend and I even featured in the highlights video released after his world tour. But I had forgotten this memory whilst listening to the song, and taking a break from this song was the best thing I could do to relight the spark and memory.

Girl – The internet

The Internet are masters of creating a chill sound that cloaks you all around. ‘Girl’ uniquely blends Syd’s vocals (Main vocalist) with instrumentals, which creates a dreamlike harmony. Having not listened to the song in a while, coming back to it recently has re-lit the spark for this musical masterpiece.

I want you – Erykah Badu

Erykah Badu is a neo soul gem, I used to listen to all her songs repeatedly, the tone of her voice and her creative aura always had me hooked. I have always enjoyed listening to ‘I want you’ as I didn’t over-listen to it, therefore every time I do, it hits me differently.



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